This article examines the types and main features of crimes against public authority in the criminal law of medieval Ukraine. It has been proven that in the absence of an extensive multi-functional state apparatus, as well as an understanding of the specifics of the concept of a crime against public authority, all criminal offenses in the sphere of public interests were equated with state crimes. It was found that in the 16th century types of crimes against the public authorities are being registered, which were divided into two groups: those that encroached on state interests and were directed against the sovereignty of the state, its territorial integrity, and economic and financial independence; which had as their immediate object the honor of the monarch, and their peculiarity was that they encroached on the rights of other persons at the same time. It was established that the further development of the system of crimes against public authority took place in the second half of the 17th - the first half of the 18th century. In this period, the norms of the Lithuanian Statute of 1588 remained in force regarding the organization of a conspiracy, mutiny, gathering troops, encroachment on the person of the hetman, surrender of the fortress, counterfeiting, encroachment on state property, correspondence with the enemy, forgery of government documents, seals, crimes against the economic security of the state . In the criminal law of Zaporizhzhya Sich, treason against society, an attempt on the life or health of a foreman, forgery, forgery of seals and documents, giving pledges to the enemy, actions of a foreman contrary to the interests of the general public were considered crimes against public authority. It was revealed that the end of the development of the system of crimes against public authority is the second half of the 18th century. It was found that their division into two groups remained unchanged, but new types of criminal offenses in the field of public interests appeared (killing the monarch, causing harm to his health, encroaching on the life or health of members of the imperial family, expanding the list of ways of depriving the monarch of his life.